All About Peptide Therapy

What are Peptides?
Just like proteins, peptides are short chains of amino acids that our body naturally produces. They perform the function of signaling molecules within the body, instructing other cells and molecules on what actions to perform. There are more than 7000 known peptides in our bodies, and all these different peptides have various functions to perform, including immune system health, weight loss, reinforced cognitive function, and many more.

What is Peptide Therapy?
Our bodies do naturally produce peptides, however the production of peptides in individuals can vary greatly, and we generally see a decline in our bodies’ production of peptides as we get older. This is where peptide therapy has to play its role. This therapy includes peptides in treatment to direct cells to perform the function specific to the peptide being used. Since our bodies naturally excrete various peptides, there are different therapies which are used to trigger a specific body function.

What are the advantages of Peptide Therapy?
Peptide therapies have a wide range of goodness- weight loss, improved cognitive function, enhanced immune system to name a few. One specific peptide, known as Peptide CJC 1295, enhances the production of an important growth factor in our bodies. This is then used to treat leads to fat loss, lean muscle growth, and better sleep.

Other specific peptide include enzymes like Sermorelin and Ipramorelin which increase growth hormone production, thereby increase lean muscle mass and stamina and decrease the refractory time between workouts. There is also measured improvement in skeletal issues as a result of tissue repair.

Another peptide called as Thymosin alpha-1 enhances the body’s ability to fight harmful viruses and bacteria. It is the most common peptide used in therapies as many adults opt for strengthening their immune systems through this treatment.

There are many more types of peptide treatments out there, and their advantages include but are not limited to: 
  • enhanced sex drive
  • improved sexual performance
  • reduction in inflammation in the body
  • decreased joint pain.
Are There any associated Side Effects?
There are some side effects, they are very rare and quite minimal though. They include: itching at the injection area, dryness of the mouth, pigmentation of moles, increased freckles, weight loss, and drowsiness. Hence, we should always seek advice of our physician to see if peptide treatment is apt based on our medical records.

Why should we go for peptide therapy?
We should get peptide treatment if we are looking to improvise any of the conditions mentioned above. It is not a magical cure to all your ailments, but it plays importantly to trigger many of them. It can also be used in conjunction with some other treatments for better results.

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