
Teachers have the power over students and they can inculcate confidence in their students by involving them strategically in the development of curriculum.


Teachers are the builders of future generation. The decisions that affect students are made and implemented by teachers. This enable teachers to have absolute power. But it is always healthy to include students’ feedback in the things that concern them.


Curriculum is the most important planner of academic year. Curriculum is mostly set by teachers. Involving students in the whole process of curriculum preparation gives them a sense of responsibility and instill a feeling of importance. This goes a long way in building self confidence in them.
Here are some dos and don’ts of curriculum conversation that can adopt to help you in getting a productive outcome of whole process.


  1. Do clear the difference between curriculum and standard to the students. Because standard is an academic goal that has to be achieved at the end of the year and curriculum is the process through which that goal is achieved. Therefore, students should have clear idea that they can only suggest to improve curriculum, not the standards.

    Don’t initiate students’ involvement in the whole process without putting things in the right context first.

  2. Do make it clear to students about extent of their influence on the development of the curriculum. Make sure they know that the setting goals for the academic year are beyond their power. The only suggestions they could make are on the ways to achieve those goals.
    Don’t let students get carried away about their involvement, which should be limited to the suggestion making, not changing the main purpose of the curriculum.
  3. Do apprise them about the consequences of the changes they suggest. The reservations of parents and objections of principal and academic staff should be in the back of their minds before they suggest modifications.
    Don’t let your students become conformists. Encourage them to put forward their ideas no matter how unorthodox.  Make them realize the fact that copying their peers will not let them make their own mark in practical life.
  4. Do provide your students with the clear picture of what is needed, what is wanted and which is important. Things needed should be given priority over things wanted.
    Don’t let your students get carried away with their new role. They should know that their contributions will not give them absolute power over their assignments.
  5. Do involve the students in time management exercise of projects and assignments. Encourage them to establish whether assignment or the project be given more time and which method will be more conducive.
    Don’t push students to a dead end in developing the time table for different assignments. Inform them during the process whether they have ample or little time left for completion.
  6. Do make this activity a learning experience for your students. While making suggestions for curriculum, encourage students to introduce or research for new methods developed overtime about different subjects.
    Don’t forget to present example or model for the new things they want to introduce in the curriculum to help clarifying their concept.
  7. Do understand that not every student will be interested in this process and everyone will have different level of appreciation. So their decision should be respected accordingly.

    Don’t force your suggestions on the students. This may get them to a back foot and may end up making them hold back their input at all.

Dos and don’ts of curriculum conversation is a complicated subject which should be handled in a professional manner to produce better results.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Emmie Samantha is a professor & writer at Assignment Help | Assignment-Camp. She has held several workshops on curriculum and time management. He makes valuable contributions in magazines and online platform occasionally.

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